Monday, July 15, 2013

Summer Highlights

Hey 504 Graduates-

I can't believe the summer is already winding down! I have had a wonderful break so far by spending time with friends and family. I am actually back in school all July working on my masters degree! I just wanted to share some highlights of my summer with you and I would love to hear what you have been doing!


  • Megan and I celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary by spending a week in the Dominican Republic
  • I planted a huge Maple tree and have been working in my garden
  • I bought a different vehicle so I won't be late to school (remember how mine broke down a few times last year)
  • We got to spend time on a lake for the 4th of July and Lauren loved swimming
So what have you been up to? Please share anything exciting or sad or boring!

I miss you guys,
Mr. Rank